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Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Please click PDFhere to view the NEC Europe Ltd Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the Financial Year that ended 31st March 2024.

This statement refers to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It covers the organisation and supply chain of NEC Europe Ltd, its subsidiaries and branch offices, including NEC (UK) Ltd.

It provides an overview of our progress since April 2023, and was approved by the Board of Directors of NEC Europe Ltd as of September 2024.

For statements relating to previous years, please click here. For further information, please get in touch by filling this contact form.

Please click here to view the NEC Group Statement pursuant to Section 54 (1) of the United Kingdom (UK) Modern Slavery Act 2015. It identifies the steps that NEC Corporation ("NEC") and its consolidated subsidiaries (collectively, "NEC Group") have taken during the fiscal year to prevent slavery and human trafficking from occurring in NEC Group's supply chains or business.

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